
Dental abscesses are characterized by symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes within the neck/jaw, swollen gums, red gums and even a sour taste within the mouth.  If you notice any of these indications of a dental abscess, contact our dentist in Carol Stream, IL right away at (630) 665-7350 for prompt treatment.  Our dentist will address the abscess, regardless of whether it ruptures, diffuses, drains or no longer causes pain.  The worst thing you can do is ignore the abscess, allowing it to fester and gradually spread to other body sites.  Every patient in the greater Carol Stream area should be aware that ignoring a dental abscess has the potential to cause it to spread to the point that it becomes life threatening. 

John E. Sullivan DDS will create a small incision within the abscess, allowing the pus to move outward.  Our dentist then washes out the space with saline and applies a rubber drain to ensure the space remains open for sufficient drainage.  The end result is a decline in swelling that reduces pain and sets the stage for continued oral health.  Our dentist might also determine the best approach is to perform root canal therapy in which the infection is eliminated and the tooth is preserved. 

Root canals involve a drilling of the tooth for removal of the diseased pulp followed by abscess draining.  The pulp chamber and canals are then filled, sealed and topped with a crown for durability.  However, if the tooth cannot be saved, the dentist will consider tooth extraction and abscess draining to eliminate the infection.