Clear Braces

The days of adding silver braces to the teeth have given way to a new era highlighted by translucent braces, also known as clear braces.  However, there is a difference between the clear braces available at our Carol Stream dental practice and Invisalign.  Clear braces straighten crooked teeth without making patients feel self-conscious about their smile.  Clear braces have translucent brackets that are easy on the eyes, especially when compared to the comparably ugly silver brackets used with metal braces.

Clear braces also contain clear wires that cannot be seen by onlookers.  Clear brackets are made with plastic or ceramic yet function similar to traditional metal brackets, helping to move teeth to the preferred positions within a couple years’ time or less.  In some cases, clear brackets straighten teeth in a year and a half or even sooner.  

If you, your child, tween or teen suffer from wayward teeth or improperly spaced teeth, do not suffer in silence one day longer.  Reach out to our Carol Stream, IL dentist at (630) 665-7350 to schedule an appointment to learn more about clear brackets’ merits, setting the stage for teeth-straightening that preserves self-confidence and paves a path toward a healthier mouth in the years ahead.