Dental Bridges

Dental bridges conceal a space where teeth are missing, creating the impression that perfectly natural teeth are in place.  Bridges connect to the teeth adjacent to the gap then concealed with crowns for support.  Artificial teeth are connected to the bridge, occupying the spaces that developed when the natural teeth fell out of their sockets as a result of trauma, an accident or decay.  If you have even a single gap in your smile, don’t assume you can move forward without dental treatment.  John E. Sullivan, DDS is here to fill the space with a dental bridge, preventing the shifting of teeth that leads to TMJ, gingivitis or painful tooth movement. 

The type of dental bridge necessary for your missing teeth depends on your unique oral health challenges.  Cantilever bridges are ideal when there is insufficient space to accommodate anchors along the gap sides, meaning the bridge is connected to a single anchor.  Maryland bridges are more conventional yet require the bonding of artificial teeth to wings that connect to the teeth closest to the open space.  Conventional bridges are attached to crowns on the teeth by the open space as described above.  The dentist adds a dental bridge after applying a local anesthetic to the gum tissue near the anchors.  The anchor teeth are subsequently shaped to accommodate the crowns, guaranteeing the optimal fit and a secure bridge that holds strong.