Dental Fillings

Dental filling procedures address decay and fractures within teeth, serving as a vitally important restorative treatment that preserves tooth functionality for the years and decades ahead.  Dental fillings also serve the purpose of evening out tooth surfaces, enhancing jaw functionality for more efficient biting. 

If you know or suspect you have tooth decay, do not assume increasing the frequency of your flossing and brushing will suffice.  Furthermore, if your teeth are sensitive, you might have enamel loss.  Our Carol Stream, IL dentist is here to help.  Give us a call at (630) 665-7350 to schedule your appointment for an oral health analysis and we will determine if your tooth decay, fracture or other issue necessitates one or several dental fillings. 

The dental filling procedure is nothing to fear.  The dentist administers a local anesthetic prior to adding the dental filling, ensuring the area around the compromised tooth is sufficiently numb so you feel little or even no discomfort as the decay is removed from your tooth.  The damaged/decayed portion of the tooth and surrounding spaces are precisely targeted with either a laser or handpiece.  The area is also cleaned with a specialized gel to thwart debris, bacteria and other gunk.  A filling material is added to the space to occupy the area where decay was removed.  The tooth is then polished so it looks and functions similar to a natural tooth.