
Mouthguards are used for more than protecting the teeth in athletic competition.  Nowadays, mouthguards are used by everyday people in the quest to protect teeth.  Mouthguards safeguard the teeth against trauma resulting from athletics as well as grinding, also referred to as bruxism.  Mouthguards are now customized for each individual patient in Carol Stream.  Our dentist analyze your unique mouth, taking measurements and developing the perfect mouthguard to protect your teeth against wear and tear resulting from nighttime grinding.  An impression, also known as a mold, is taken of the teeth to develop a customized mouthguard that comfortably fits onto your teeth, guarding against trauma, damage from grinding and other threats. 

Wear your mouthguard exactly as advised by our dentist, John E. Sullivan DDS, adhere to the suggested frequency of use and you’ll rest easy knowing you’ve done your part to prevent potentially lasting damage to your teeth as a result of nighttime grinding.  Mouthguards ultimately prevent the erosion of enamel, preventing excessive sensitivity when drinking beverages and eating food.  Furthermore, mouthguards also safeguard enamel, minimizing decay that has the potential to spread into the hard enamel and cause infection.