Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea is becoming more common with each passing year, partially because there is an increasing awareness of the ubiquity of this once-neglected health problem.  Contrary to popular belief, it is possible for dentists to help patients treat sleep apnea.  If you know or suspect your sleeping issues, fatigue or other problems are the result of sleep apnea, you owe it to yourself to schedule an appointment at our Carol Stream dental practice by dialing (630) 665-7350.  Our dentist will help determine the best treatment modality for your sleep apnea including specialized devices to facilitate restful sleep. 

Plenty of sleep apnea sufferers benefit from Positive Airway Pressure therapy or PAP for short, in which a mask is worn over the mouth/nose while sleeping.  The PAP air blower strategically moves air through the nose/mouth, ensuring the tissues in the upper airway do not collapse during sleep.  PAP therapy also helps ensure the airways essential for clear breathing do not close while sleeping. 

Our dentist will help determine if you have sleep apnea and also assist in pinpointing the type of PAP therapy or other treatment ideal for your unique sleeping challenges.  However, if necessary, surgery will be considered.  Surgery for sleep apnea sufferers makes it easier to overcome obstructive sleep apnea yet such a procedure is a last resort only considered when other treatment modalities fail.